Saint John Evangelical Lutheran Church is an ELCA congregation.
We believe in the Triune God. We trust that God is powerful, patient, merciful, and loves all people. God is active and present in the world and continues to send blessings into our lives. We are united as one body of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and connected to one another.
We believe in being rooted in Scripture, which we believe to be the inspired and Holy Word of God. We affirm the historic doctrinal standard set forth by the Book of Concord.
We proclaim faith that we are freed to live in daring confidence because of God's love and grace revealed to the world through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We believe that Christ was crucified, died, and was raised from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit for the salvation of the world and the forgiveness of sin. We too are raised into new life in Christ, renewed daily, and promised eternal life. We recognize that we live in the tension of being both sinful and trusting that we are forgiven by God's grace alone.
We believe that because we have been freed from sin and death by Jesus Christ that we have been freed to work towards justice and wholeness in the world through service to our neighbor. We are called to be God’s love in action.